Membership Policies
1. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR WORKSHOPS/PROGRAMS Speakers’ travel expenses are charged to programs. Workshop fees include only instructor’s fee, materials fee, room rental, etc. A $5 charge per person for room rental is added to the workshop fee. Workshop fees are figured at 60% of capacity. Kit fees and material fees are payable to the instructor at the time of the workshop. Any profit or loss is accounted to workshops’ budget. Workshops should be self-supporting; but if they are not, the loss at the end of the year is charged to programs. Members shall be paid for giving a morning and/or evening program or a workshop of at least 3 hrs. The rate will be their usual lecture/workshop fees or honorarium, as voted upon by the Board. Workshops will be announced in the newsletter, on the Guild website, and at meetings. Members must pay to reserve their place when they sign up for a workshop. Signing up for a workshop is available at Guild meetings and via Pay Pal on the Guild’s website. The Program Chair will not hold an attendee’s place in a workshop without payment. If an individual cancels participation in a workshop at least 30 days prior to the workshop, full cost of that workshop will be refunded. Any exception to the refund policy must be approved by the Board. Since the Guild is an educational non-profit organization, all programs, including workshops, must be open to the public. Non-members may sign-up for workshops, but fees will be higher. It is up to the discretion of the Program Committee and the Board to cancel a workshop if the workshop is not at 60% capacity at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date.
2. SALES OF MERCHANDISE TO MEMBERS The Guild does not compete with merchants and does not buy books or merchandise in quantity to sell to members. The Guild allows the speaker to sell patterns, books, and other items to the members before or after the meeting and during the break on the day they are presenting the program or workshop. If the speaker sends kits and patterns for distribution to workshop signees, these will be sold only to those who sign up for the workshop, unless otherwise approved by the speaker.
3. NEWSLETTER The newsletter is distributed at the beginning of each month, and members are encouraged to use their email addresses to receive the newsletter. Members who do not wish to have their newsletter emailed will receive their newsletter by USPS. The newsletter and Block-of-the-Month pattern should be sent by or before the 5th of each month or at least 10 days before the next guild meeting. The newsletter does not publish information on regular classes in shops or education centers, but information on special speakers may be published. Ads may be purchased in the newsletter by guild members. The cost is $20 for a year or $5 for a one-time ad. Ads will be the size of a standard business card. Non-guild members who show their work at guild meetings during Show & Tell are pictured in the newsletter only if there is sufficient space on the page. They are not pictured on the guild’s Facebook page.
4. MEMBERSHIP LIST The membership list is compiled in January and is available to members by the February meeting. Those who have not renewed at or before the January meeting will be dropped from the mailing list. At the discretion of the board, a supplemental list of new members will be compiled annually and made available to members. The membership directory is for members’ use only and is not to be used by organizations or individuals to solicit funds or to prospect for business. However, the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival (KCRQF) receives the Guild membership list as part of our agreement.
5. CHILDREN AT MEETINGS Infants and young children may not be brought to meetings. It is up to the parent to decide if the child is old enough (school age) to sit quietly during the meeting. Babysitting services are not provided by the guild.
6. PATTERNS The Guild will provide members a monthly quilting activity, which may include a block of the month pattern. Members may not reproduce the pattern for sale or profit. The pattern may not be reproduced by any profit or non-profit organization or by any individual other than the designer(s) although people may make items such as quilts or pillows in the pattern. Members’ items may not be sold without the permission of the designer of the pattern.
7. MEETINGS The evening meeting is held on the Monday evening preceding the third Tuesday of the month and commences at 7:00 p.m.
The morning meeting is held on the third Tuesday of the month and commences at 9:30 a.m. Each meeting consists of a program, a business meeting, an appropriate break, and show and tell. Minutes and Treasurer’s report are available upon request. Meetings may be cancelled when Lawrence Public Schools are cancelled for inclement weather. When school is cancelled, Plymouth Church is also cancelled. An email will be sent to all members, but members should also check local news outlets for school cancellations.
8. BOARD MEETINGS The Board meets once a month at a location and time determined by the President. The Board meetings are open to members, and the time and location will be announced. If a member wishes to present an issue to the Board, arrangements must be made in advance with the President. The December Board meeting will be denoted as the Change-Over Board meeting, which should include the out-going Board members, in-coming Board members and committee chairpersons (at the invitation of the out-going Presidents).
9. QUILT SHOW The quilt show is usually held bi-annually at the discretion of the Board. Only work by members or, if appropriate to a theme, work owned by but not made by members may be displayed. Unless appropriate to a theme, only work not shown at previous Kaw Valley Guild shows should be displayed. A silent auction of quilting-related items may be held with the donations going directly to charities selected by the Board. An entrance fee, determined by the Board, shall be assessed for entrance into the quilt show. Children under 13 are free when accompanying an adult. Quilt racks and poles for the show may be borrowed or rented.
10. SMOKING Smoking is not allowed in the Plymouth Congregational Church building. This includes the restrooms, kitchen, hallways, etc. This is in keeping with the fire codes.
11. PROGRAM The Program Committee makes decisions on speakers, programs, and workshops with approval from the Board. The President may ask the Board and the membership to vote on whether to cancel the December meeting.
12. PURCHASING ITEMS FOR THE GUILD The by-laws state that any non-budget item over $200 must be approved by the general membership. The Board must approve other items aside from routine office supplies, postage, program expenses, etc. Members may be reimbursed for Guild expenses, but receipts must be turned in to the Treasurer. Members who make and/or quilt an opportunity quilt may receive partial reimbursement from the guild up to $200 in total if receipts are turned into the treasurer and approved by the board. Although the Guild is exempt from Federal income taxes, it is not exempt from sales tax. It must pay sales tax on items it purchases or sells.
13. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE If needed, a Ways and Means Committee, composed of a chair appointed by the Board and three other Guild members to be selected at the discretion of the chairman, will supervise projects to raise funds to support the operation of the Guild. These projects would be in addition to the opportunity quilt.
14. APPOINTED AND VOLUNTEER POSITIONS Block of the Month: Responsible for planning and executing the block of the month program. Challenge: Responsible for planning, publicizing, and supervising any quilt challenges.
Revised June 2020
Revised March 2020
Revised January 2017
Revised August 2014
Revised July 2009
Revised August 2004